February 7th

Why do we spend so much time thinking about the past when the past is no longer a reality? The only reality is the memory that holds it. Watch it when it comes, the memories, running across the present, and if pain or pleasure is there it takes one away from the present and into the past where one cannot really go because it is past and no longer real.

If there is no attachment, one is not taken away into another world of long ago where there is not acceptance of what happens, wanting to change the past and create a future according to what one's particular whims and desires may be, wanting what one thinks is best or easy or gives most pleasure. As if one knew better than life itself.

Without attachment, a new moment exists to sing a new song, which is the universe pouring love through one's being. In that moment of total acceptance of one's life, there is vulnerability. And all there is, is creation.