January 9th
Images. We all have images of who we are or are not, and who others are and are not. It is those images that confine us, keep our vision of the world small and enclosed. Unconsciously, we choose to remain closed-in and constricted in our thinking, as we do with our breathing and body use.
There is space within and without us, space of which we are mostly unaware, as we are usually lost in thoughts about the past or in dreams or concerns about the future.
We are the same spirit that is everywhere around us, but mostly we are in conflict between the physical, the plantedness of the mind and body, and the unconfined spirit. Our spirits want to soar, to love, to heal, to give and receive through the physical.
The physical, the mental, wants to hold onto itself and ideas of the world around us. In the physical we resist change, we fear change, we look for security and permanence. But as long as spirit exists, there can never be permanence, never be security, as spirit seeks only consciousness which exists outside the realms of security or insecurity.