July 16th
We all seem to suffer from the illusion that we are individuals, when in actuality we are the same psychologically as everyone else. We think in the same interfering ways. We all use more effort than necessary in everything we do. We try to be right, resist what we judge to be wrong, think we should be different than we are and have issues with control. We all escape from facing ourselves, suffer physical and emotional pain and hold a lot of excess tension in every breath we breathe and in every thought we think. When we observe ourselves accurately, in that moment we step out of the past and the conditioned mind, and we are in the flow of pure creative energy that exists only when we live in the present.
Underneath all the tension, we have the ability for self-awareness which results in letting go of our interfering ways. We have the ability for facing ourselves truthfully and honestly, which brings the inner power and strength for which we've been searching in all the unlikely places. And we have the ability for experiencing profound love and joy as we move in resonance with life rather than against it.