March 27th
We tend to think that to express ourselves honestly is to say what we think. But saying what we think often comes from the ego and our judgments of right and wrong, and therefore has no relationship to honestly.
Whenever we have any judgments or reactions, we have an agenda, which is to prove that we are right, that we know better than others. Whenever there is any agenda, there cannot be honesty, but only ideas that we are honest. We do not see what we are doing, because we do not know who we are, which is to understand the ego and what it means to be honest or dishonest. We act out of delusion of our ego-self and that only changes when we are aware of acting in such an unconscious way.
Our reactions to people and situations around us, and our tension-filled expressions, which we tend to think are honest, show a lot about us and nothing about what we are reacting to. If we are passionate to find out who we really are, we see the extent of how consciously or unconsciously we live. When we react to life, we strengthen the ego and so we cannot be in resonance with truth. We cannot be honest with life.
Either we continue acting unconsciously with justifying our reactions, which is the expression of the arrogance of the ego, which comes from fear, or we live life consciously, observing what it actually means to be honest, which is to be aware of our dishonesty.
Unless we understand the nature of ego, understand fear, we will always try to prove we are right and so we will automatically look for support from others. But no matter how much support is offered, it can never be enough, for we haven’t understood the ego and faced fear. Unless there is understanding of the ego, we will go through life looking for approval and support from others, and proof that we are right in our judgments and reactions, which are our unconscious responses to life.
It is the ego which creates and maintains separation, and it is in understanding the nature of the ego that enables us to watch our arrogance in thinking we are right. When we live in separation, we live in conflict of which we are not aware. When we understand the nature of the ego and its agenda to prove we are right, which can never be proved because there is no right, and when there is awareness of our dishonesty, then only will we live a life in the highest truth.