October 21st
We tend to think we are individuals and yet we all think the same interfering thoughts.
We try to control life as if that is a possibility. Since it isn’t a possibility, why not give up the effort? We don’t give it up because we are operating out of past beliefs and conditioning and we don’t wake up and see that fact.
As long as we act out of past conditioning, we resist whatever goes on in the present. In that resistance, which is the past, is where we live our lives. We are either thinking we are right or trying to be right, and not seeing that, is the obstacle to living consciously. Out of that effort to be right, we are always judging everything around us as good or bad.
If we want to look at the past, then learn from it. See that we have never been able to control life and all our lives we have been holding the illusion that that is a possibility. Why not make it easy and surrender to what is? Why do we hold onto suffering, which is always there as long as we try to control what can never be controlled? When we resist surrendering to what is, we resist living in joy and peace and we are not aware of that.