October 25th
Surrender always to whatever is. Try to change no one and no thing, not even oneself. But pay attention if we wish, if we are so drawn to it that we must, if the passion is so strong that we have no choice. Watch the mind and thought. Watch fear. Watch resistance and reactions that come up. But do nothing to change. We can’t change anything anyway. Just watch. In the watching change does occur without our doing anything. Change is the action that comes out of awareness.
Surrender always. Surrender does not mean to accept things as they appear to be, due to our own projections. It does not mean to be mindless or inactive. It means to always carry within oneself acceptance of the moment and awareness of the limitless. It means to be fearless and resolute in our watching.
Be persistent always in exploring what it means to live life consciously. Explore because we cannot help it, because we love the exploration, because we feel so much passion and enthusiasm for life. We feel so alive, enveloped in the joy and beauty of life. Explore because we know without knowing, that limitations we see and think are real are only illusions of the unconscious mind.
Surrendering to what appears to be real but isn’t, because of our lack of awareness, is different then surrendering and trusting the unfoldment of life. To surrender always to this moment as if it is exactly what we would have chosen, is to live without conflict.