October 2nd
Early morning sun shines a pink golden glow across the blue water and the marsh grasses turning brown at water’s edge. Cool breezes rustle through the fronds of the palm trees and blow ripples across the canal. Distant noises come and go and a few fishing boats pass by.
There is so much peace in nature and so little peace in humans who are part of nature. Only the mind creates non-peace, creates separation between itself and the world. The mind with its desires and wants and dissatisfactions. The mind that always wants more of everything, except for less pain, which it creates and tries to escape from at the same time. What duality we maintain through unconsciousness of who we are.
Life is so simple, but we make it all very complicated. We fill all the space looking for solutions to problems that do not exist, except in the mind that creates separateness. The mind that lives in the world of ideas, beliefs and illusions, the mind that can never find wholeness, never find union with God. It is only in awareness of knowing who we are, through seeing who we are not, that we know peace.